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by truepoll 2 days ago, Society & Issues

What would be the most compromise option you can agree on regarding abortion rights?

Note: Select an option that would be your last compromise. Let's say your main option would be to make it legal only if the pregnancy stage is under 16 weeks, but you would compromise at 20 weeks. Then, select the 20-week option.

Weeks 6 and 7: The heart is beating. The embryo has developed its placenta and amniotic sac. The placenta is burrowing into the uterine wall to access oxygen and nutrients from the mother’s bloodstream.

Weeks 10 to 12: The embryo is now known as a fetus and is about 2.5 cm in length. All of the bodily organs are formed. The hands and feet, which previously looked like nubs or paddles, are now evolving fingers and toes. The brain is active and has brain waves. Teeth are budding inside the gums. The tiny heart is developing further. The fingers and toes are recognisable, but still stuck together with webs of skin.

Weeks 13 & 14: The fetus can swim about quite vigorously. It is now more than 7 cm in length. The eyelids are fused over the fully developed eyes. The baby can now mutely cry, since it has vocal cords. It may even start sucking its thumb. The fingers and toes are growing nails.

Week 16: The fetus is around 14 cm in length. Eyelashes and eyebrows have appeared, and the tongue has taste buds.

Week 20: The fetus is around 21 cm in length. Its ears are fully functioning and it can hear muffled sounds from the outside world. The fingertips have prints. The genitals can now be distinguished with an ultrasound scan.

Week 24: The fetus is around 33 cm in length. The fused eyelids now separate into upper and lower lids, enabling the baby to open and shut its eyes. The skin is covered in fine hair (lanugo) and protected by a layer of waxy secretion (vernix). The baby makes breathing movements with its lungs.


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